martes, 14 de junio de 2011

Welcome to the magic world of Fairy Tales!

Welcome to the magic world of Fairy Tales!
First of all, I’m Pascal and I will guide for this magical world. Are you ready to meet princesses and princes, witches and dragons?

What do you know about fairy tales? Well, do
n’t worry guys I will explain everything…
Fairy Tales are magic stories about beautiful princess, horrible witches, big dragons, old kings and wonderful princes.
They always live in a castle or in the middle of the wood. Well, Rapunzel lives in a tower before prince rescued her!

If you are brave, what do you wait to life adventures in the magic world of fairy tales?

It’s my magic blog and you can read stories and later do fantastic activities, in addition your teacher can correct them throught this link:

Blog has extra disney princess activities, diccionary, paint on-line and list of readings/activites in the right colum. Moreover, if you want to knom more about me, read my description and look my photography.

Fantastic Vocabulary!

_____Prince________________ Princess_______________ Tower_____

____Farmer_________________Castle_________________ Mermaid___

_____Beast__________________ Ogre__________________ Witch___


____Unicorn_________________ Fairy__________________ Wizard__

_Enchanted Rose______________Dwarfs____________Poisoned Apple__

_Queen and King_______________ Guards_________________ Thief__

_________________________ Village__________________________


Before you go to the magic world, you need to spend a proof.
If you can make this exercise, you can continue!

_________ is a reptile that belch out fire.

There is a ________ under the


_________ do potions in a magic pot.

Snow White lives with seven _________.

She has a fish tail! She is a _________.

Prince and princess live in a __________.

Rapunzel is locked in a ___________.

There is a ______ inside a lamp!

_______ sing and dance at the wood.


In a distant kingdom, a princess born called Rapunzel.

She had long and blonde magic hair. Unfortunately, one night a witch hide her in a tower because she wants her magic powers. She grew up locked in the tower and she never saw outside world. Rapunzel was always looking out the windows but she couldn’t go outside because the witch didn’t let her.

One day a prince appeared, he killed the witch and rescued the princess. Rapunzel fell in love with prince and they married.

WHO IS WHO? Activity about Rapunzel

Read sentences and try to discover who is who!

She is ugly and very evil. She does potions and poisons and she locked Rapunzel in a tower.

He is very handsome and brave. He rescues princess Rapunzel!

She is very pretty and she has a very long blonde hair.

He is a reptile and he is green. He is Rapunzel’s best friend.

They are the parents of princess Rapunzel and they are very benevolent.

lunes, 13 de junio de 2011


Little boys and girls, it is the best video in the world because I appear in!
Find me!

CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER! Rapunzel's activities

What time does Rapunzel get up?

How many books Rapunzel reads?

Rapunzel has…

Long hair

Long head

Blonde head

Pascal is…




Rapunzel wants to see…




Rapunzel is…

Cooking, Making Candles and Swimming

Making Candles, Reading and Watching TV

Cooking, Drawing and Cleaning

The Beauty and the Beast

In a far far away, a very selfish prince lived in his castle. A day of storm appeared an ancient and she asked him if she could pass the night in the castle. The prince didn’t agree and the ancient turned him into a beast. The prince would be a human again when someone was falling in love with him before an enchanted rose die.

One day, a man appeared in the castle and the beast enclosed him in jail. After a time, the daughter of the man called Belle appeared. She saved her father and she stay in the castle. When Belle’s father returned to the village and he asked for help.The villagers went to attack the castle and a villager, Gastón, hurt the beast.

The beast was dying, but finally, Belle fell in love with him, because his beauty was in his interior. The charm broke and the beast returns to be a prince. Finally, they married and lived happy forever.

LISTEN AND RELATE! Activities about Beauty and the Beast

Little boys and girls,I prepare activites for us!
After you read the magic story of Beauty and the Beast...

Listen and relate sounds with image!

Luck! :)